I really am starting to think it's a conspiracy! Each day I have class the sun shines so bright and glorious. Then as soon as we have some time off *poof* no sun. Yesterday was spent doing all those drudgerous chores that need to be done every weekend. Grocery shopping being the main one. It was a little more pleasant than usual though as we went shopping with our new friends, the new student in my French class and her husband. She is Russian and her husband is French but they just recently moved here from America...Washington to be exact. We were both a little surprised when we found out that we moved here from the same state in the U.S. She misses it just as much as I.
After they left I spent awhile reorganizing the shelves in my kitchen and doing general cleanup. I am now much happier with the state of my house as the bedroom and the kitchen had both slid into messiness.

I also talked with Anna from Lilla Lotta yesterday. She is going to design and print my labels for my work. I am quite excited as she does just wonderful work and she agreed to what I wanted with no problem. In fact she seems excited to design them so I cant wait to see what comes of it!
So last night my honey wanted to watch American Basketball. He has ordered a subscription on his computer to be able to watch the games there. The problem is that he has to sit there at his desk to watch them. Have I mentioned before that his chair is one of the most uncomfortable chairs on earth? It looks really nice, and you think when you see it that its great...but its not! So this is the contraption that he came up with last night to watch his game. I was getting lots of giggles out of it and couldn't resist a picture.

Then finally I was able to settle down for awhile to do my work. I painted some more on the moons face. He is finally starting to round out a little and not look as flat. I still have quite a bit of work to do on him though. Hopefully I will get a chance to do a bit more today...
Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!
After they left I spent awhile reorganizing the shelves in my kitchen and doing general cleanup. I am now much happier with the state of my house as the bedroom and the kitchen had both slid into messiness.

I also talked with Anna from Lilla Lotta yesterday. She is going to design and print my labels for my work. I am quite excited as she does just wonderful work and she agreed to what I wanted with no problem. In fact she seems excited to design them so I cant wait to see what comes of it!
So last night my honey wanted to watch American Basketball. He has ordered a subscription on his computer to be able to watch the games there. The problem is that he has to sit there at his desk to watch them. Have I mentioned before that his chair is one of the most uncomfortable chairs on earth? It looks really nice, and you think when you see it that its great...but its not! So this is the contraption that he came up with last night to watch his game. I was getting lots of giggles out of it and couldn't resist a picture.

Then finally I was able to settle down for awhile to do my work. I painted some more on the moons face. He is finally starting to round out a little and not look as flat. I still have quite a bit of work to do on him though. Hopefully I will get a chance to do a bit more today...

The moon is a person of character! Beautiful expression. And the ability of your husband to improvise must be very helpful in any situation.
ReplyDelete... and the print labels are very beautiful! Adequate to your work.