Just a quick update to let everyone know that yes, I have moved again. How many times in a year? I have lost count but this one I think will stick. I am back in Seattle and I plan on staying. I opened a shop last month and I am slowly settling in. Customers are starting to trickle in and I am working on my website again. I have lost so many things during my moves, things have been left here and there in three different countries and I have only just started sorting what stock I have left of my pretties to put in the online shop. I am also setting up a small area in my reweaving shop to put pieces of my work. I am excited on what the future has in store and I am finally starting to feel a bit of stability again!
Stay tuned for updates, I have my workspace set up now and hope to start making new pretties soon.
Wishing you a joyous season,
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