Dear Karen at Contemporary Embroidery gave me this award yesterday. She is the most innovative artist with thread and I encourage you to go visit her and keep visiting. She is amazing!
I now have to tell you seven things I love and pass this on although really I'm just going to pass you on...to some great blogs to visit!
7 things I love
I love long road trips to places I have never been before, with many stops along the way to see 'the giant ball of string and every other thing.
photo from http://www.sailusfood.com/
I love curry! Thia curry or Indian curry, it doesn't matter, just bring on the curry!!!I love snuggling at night with my hubby in bed, where I scratch his back, and he scratches mine ^_^
I love all things celestial, truly I am a sun, moon and star freak! My work takes me there over and over again and I have finally decided to give in and let the muse take me where it will!

I love spring flowers. If I could, I would have them all year round, lilac and hyacinths are some of the most wonderful smells ever but my all time favorite is tuberrose.

I can remember my mother clipping just ONE bloom and placing it on the table in the house. When you waked up to the door, before you even entered the house you could smell that wonderful smell. I have never been able to grow one.
I love Ruby Beach out on the peninsula in Washington State. I love the lush wild forest that leads down to it. I love the towering rocks that thrust themselves from the surf, I love the round smooth stones that people stack about on the driftwood making towers to the sky. I love the smell of the sea and the sound of the birds. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth in my mind. Sometimes I ache for it, I miss it so much.
I love cobalt blue. It is my favorite color ever. I love it in glass and kept the six beer bottles our friend brought over...long after the beer was gone.
Now here are a few tidbits to savor. Wander on over and visit these amazing blogs...
Alma Stoller
does the most wonderful things with thread and bits of fabric...go see!
The Hermitage
A wonderful fairy wandering the countryside with her sweetheart
looks at things in such a wonderful way. I love the treats I find there.
Folk and Fairy
A veritable treasure chest of all things fairy!
Field Trips in Fiber
Vicki over at Field Trips in Fiber is a human dynamo. This woman never stops! She has a gazillion projects going all at once...and she just finished the most wonderful dye gradient project. Good stuff.
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