
It's been a long road

The last time I wrote here was over seven months ago! At the time I was quite excitedly looking forward to moving into the city. Ready to start a new life among people. French classes were lined up, new adventures planned. I was so excited. Well. Life does not always turn out the way you expect it to. This time was no different. Over the course of the last 7 months, everything we had planned has changed EXCEPT that we are going to sell our house.

Within a month of moving into the apartment, we had turned in our notice to move back out. It was just not working out. There were problems with the apartment that could not be fixed and so instead of settling into a happy life right in the center of beautiful and exciting Colmar, I started packing things back into boxes.

We also had planned a long vacation in Georgia with our dear friends to celebrate their wedding and the christening of their son. Then shortly after our return from that trip, I had to go to the hospital unexpectedly with yet another problem that left me in the hospital during our move (poor Frenchie had to do that one on his own) So he moved everything back to our house and now…onward with the search for another apartment. I am dwelling in limbo.

I refuse to let this keep me down though. I am determined to finish my collection that has been lying dormant in my mind this entire time. Instead of staying in the house until the apartment is found, I am traveling each week with my husband to Switzerland. We have set up a temporary studio there where I am beginning to do my work again. It is still a bit chaotic and I am still finding my balance but it is coming. Slowly but surely it is coming!

One thing I have accomplished during this time is my website. I moved from my old shop platform to my very own site that I built on my own. I am not very tech-savvy so it was quite the endeavor but I ended up enjoying the process quite a bit. If you find anything too clunky there please forgive me and feel free to point it out to me.

I hope to be up and running in the studio this week and soon will be cranking out more experiments of course. I refuse to make anything to sell until I have a piece that I feel confident will make my clients as happy as it makes me.

This wing experiment has proved quite the challenge. Where it seems quite simple, resin is anything but that. It can be quite fickle and different types achieve different results. Add on top of that the fact that I am using it on my own artwork and it can be a bit tricky. I have had to play with different sealants and methods to try and create a good resin piece that will hold up to wear. I am learning a lot about this and have developed several processes that work for different items. I will continue to keep you updated as I go.

I am so excited about my new collection though. It takes everything I have learned so far and wraps it into one package. I really hope that you will find it as enchanting as I do. I hope you have a great week!

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