
A New Adventure

        As many of you know, I have been down ill for a month and a half. One afternoon feeling a tickle in my nose blossomed into a full fledged bronchial attack with all it's complications. After three (really four)antibiotic treatments, allergic reactions to two and many side effects I am slowly coming back to myself. It's amazing the difference you can feel in such a...

The Dreaded Scourge

Last time I talked to you I was happily plugging away, making all kinds of pretties and just generally being happy. Setting up my studio, unpacking boxes I haven't opened in a year and really enjoying seeing my studio come together. Since then it has been anything but! I have been down now for over two weeks with a terrible nose running, throat burning, lung congesting, head pounding, stomach plummeting...

More bracelets

I have been busy making more bracelets. I ordered a lot more beads and many new charms to add to them and went to work as soon as they arrived....

Bracelet Blast

Awhile back I wove up a lot of bracelets, I tried several different styles and found many that I liked. I never finished the ends on most of them though. I told myself I would sit down some quiet week and work on them but then the house happened and the trip to the US, etc. Life has a way of getting in the way huh?          So this last week seeing as i was working...

Photo Mishap

Yesterday I finished packaging all the new silk ribbons and embroidery floss in their little plastic sleeves. I need to get these listed right away. They have been sitting here forever waiting patiently. I went to sort the photos and add names to them and lo and behold...no pictures. I looked everywhere but they are gone. All those photos I took right before we left for the US are gone. The only...

I have wandered far from home...

and finally returned! It's been a long month and a half away and we have traveled near and far. Deep into southern France, across the ocean, from the eastern shore of the USA, up into Canada to Montreal and then on down to the heartland and over to the western shore of the US. It was a wonderful trip full of many beautiful sights, including my wonderful newborn grandson! The sight of my own bed...
BEFORE: And AFTER! Been busy this week trying to get this done. I am very happy with how these lo...

Busy Bee


New Ribbon Cards

I've been working on redesigning how I wrap and store the ribbons and floss for my shop. I have been using the little floss spindles and they made the threads so bulky in packages i just hated it but I didn't want to go back to plain old card stock like I was using before. I decided instead to use business cards. I designed a new card and ordered a pile of them and then went in search of a nice...


Amazing how much can change in a day! ...
Sail Aw...

Another Goody in the Mail

This arrived this week finally. Of course now I have no time to sit and weave rugs...but it is here for when I do have time. Trying to spend as much time as I can with the gardening when my energy allows it. I am going to try to get that material dyed for the rug though and my plan for a loom is already in my head so it is coming togeth...

Goodies in the mail


Weekend Drafting

This weekend I got to do something a little different. Something I used to love doing and just realized...I still love it... We had to submit some blueprints and facade drawings for a small addition we are planning and so I pulled out my pencils and sketched away. I am way too rusty but I enjoyed the challen...

A Return

I know my posts here have been few and far between for a long time. I have neglected this blog as Facebook was so much easier for me. I loved the communication there and really enjoyed my page for a long time but Facebook has killed the business pages there. Few people even see my posts and I became quite frustrated with it months ago. I hope to put my efforts somewhere where it is not quashed and...

Now That the Boxes Are Finally Unpacked

..not really. That was just wishful thinking. Though yes, the house is beginning to come into some kind of order. The rooms are different and full of lots of furniture from the previous owners. We have been playing a shuffle game that is slowly sending things up into the attic bedroom to be stored in the storage room back behind it eventually. The room that is to be my studio is a fright. Boxes...

Where the Adventure Starts Getting Real Interesting

I have hinted at big changes for over a year now and I have posted very little about what is going on but I want you to know I am still here, still very happy and have just went through the biggest change of all! We decided to settle down and buy a small chalet up in the mountains of the Vosges! It is not far from Colmar and the wine road. Very close to Kaysersberg up the mountain side towards...