
WIP Update

Jacobean Bunny is coming along well, in fact I am on the edge of finishing it! It has been a crazy last few weeks and my mind has been elsewhere but each night I try to spend some time stitching on this piece.

I love how it has come alive and I can't wait to put the piece together and make my bunny.

After this is done I will turn my attention to the Blackwork stitching. I have everything ready except my decision on where to start *grin*
I will have to squeeze my stitching in though, as I will be packing once again. Yes, we are off to a new home, this time I get to take my time though!

7 comments on "WIP Update"
  1. Forget the bunny. I want this on a shirt it dress! WOW that's gorgeous!! Are you moving to somewhere else in France? Or moving to someplace altogether new?

  2. You have gotten a lot more accomplished on it. So very beautiful ♥

  3. love that dragonfly!! the whole thing is beautiful :D

  4. It is all gorgeous but that dragonfly is absolutely precious and wonderful!!

  5. What a wonderful piece of work - the dragonfly is fabulous and I really like the back-stitched spider's webs on those little pineapple shaped buds - brilliant!

  6. This is just so beuatiful! I haven't been commenting much on anyone's blog lately but I just had to say how wonderful this is. I have some of your fabric but youare obviously a truly multiskilled artist. Love from Robyn in Australia.

  7. Rebecca~ Wow that sounds like a great idea. I had so much fun making the paisley yoke shirt, I bet that would look good too!
    Thank you all so much for your wonderful compliments! I had a lot of fun learning some of these new stitches. I am sure I will do more of this in the future.
