
The Paisley Disaster (and how even disasters can come to good)

Here is a picture of My Paisley Project. This is my first piece using paisleys and when I finally started feeling comfortable with what I was doing. I have sunk many hours into this one piece and really loved it a lot. I recently pulled it back out from storage and was determined to finish it. After all, I was so close. I had time in the evenings to stitch and since we were moving most of my studio was packed. Then came the terrible day when I picked it up from my desk only to find a black streak across the front of it! We were labeling the boxes with black permanent marker and somehow it must have got on this piece. Fortunately the main parts of the streak were on the beige background so...I did something crazy...I cut it out! My heart was in my throat when I was cutting it and I was so afraid I would ruin it.

I mounted the cut out on a piece of my hand dyed velvet and then proceeded to cover the edges with a thin ribbon material that sunk into the velvet. I think in the end it looks even better! What do you think?

You can see here the last litle bit that hasnt been covered.
This ribbon worked like a charm!

8 comments on "The Paisley Disaster (and how even disasters can come to good)"
  1. Gorgeous stitching! this is a really beautiful piece! You must have just cried when you saw it "ruined". Great save. It sure looks different on the dark background.

  2. you were very brave! and it looks even more striking on the dark b/g.

  3. Oh my gosh, it looks fabulous! It glows!

  4. Of course it was meant to be this way! It's beautiful! As the saying goes "there are no accidents..."

  5. Paisley is an interesting shape. What does it mean? It first appeared in Cashmere weaving and embroidery. Every icon has its roots; my idea is that it was a cypress tree with a hanging tip.

  6. It looks stunning! The dark background works so much better than the beige. Serendipity!

  7. the black makes the colours seem to glow :D

  8. Your stitching is so divine!!!! Just beautiful Diane...;-)
