
Moving towards moving

The livingroom is full of boxes, and DH leaves in the morning. He has apartments lined up to look at right after he signs his contract. He wont come home till he finds one, signs the papers and has everything readied for the move. While he is gone I pack, run willy-nilly about town taking care of errands and other craziness. Tomorrow though I will pause long enough to list my new floss on the shop. I finished the pictures today. This one I think is my favorite:


Here's a few pics of our trip to the coast. It was wonderfully relaxing and just what we needed to charge our batteries before the burn....

3 comments on "Moving towards moving"
  1. I'm so excited for you..wish I was there to help you pack and get ready. Be sure to post photos of your new surroundings ;-)

  2. nice pictures of the coast :)

    one of the worst parts of moving is boxes everywhere :/ and of course when you need something its packed away and not where it should be :p

  3. Your pictures made me kind of homesick... It's been I think six years since I saw a "pinasse" the last time... And the oyter parks... *sigh*
    Wishing you lots of courage for the packing and moving !
