
Little thing, big ow!

I was going to post a pic but decided it was just too gross. I bunged up my toe but good. It looks like a giant cherry sticking out there throbbing to the beat of my heart. I knew it was not doing well Saturday but went into town with Dorian anyway. By the time we got back home I realized just how bad. Big, Red, Sore and Angry Bad. Everyone wanted to go to the beach yesterday and I convinced Dorian...

More Experimenting

Yesterday I was down hard with a pain day so I worked a little more on my dye variations and finished them up today. I made up a chart so I can consult it. It's chintzy but it works. I dont really care what it looks like! Now I can get what Im looking for the first time if needed. I mainly did this to find the best browns but decided to do the whole color chart while I was at it. The best browns...

Tres occupé

Busy, busy, busy...that's me. Sorry Eva, I promised you a pic of that thread yesterday but I was so busy I didn't get it done! Here it is :)Pretty wild eh? Not sure what I will do with it. I suppose I can cut the strips into pieces. The blues, the reds, etc It is pretty, so that's a plus! I worked yesterday on a new one that I hope will work better. I dipped the floss in wax to make seperate...

Dye Experiment with floss

Yesterday D and I decided to just laze around the house instead of going anywhere so I decided to do my dye experiment that I have been wanting to do. I am wanting a bit more control with the dyes so wanted to do some color comparisons.I mixed a bit of every color dye I have and soaked two skeins of floss. Then I proceeded to put down color in a controlled series recording as I went.I wanted to...

Happy Birthday Baby!

So today is my honey's birthday. He isn't much into celebrating such things, but he knows how much of a kick I get out of it so I think he patiently tolerates it LOL!Today he suggested right off the bat that we go into town on the pretense of buying him shoes. We had the MOST wonderful day! I ended up feeling like it was my birthday because the first place he took me was to buy this:2 meters of silk...

Hello World!

Well I did it, I changed my title...and what a mouthful it is! I was drowsing away in bed thismorning andit came to me. I know it's wordy. I know it's silly. I dont care. Its me. I am living a fairy tale. I do dream my work, often waking up with new ideas or solutions too old ones. And yes, I have danced in the twilight rain, and I liked it :pSo there it is. I tried to think up a title for days...

Too busy!

I looked up from photographing floss the other day and realized what a beautiful day it was. Had to capture a shot to show you all, and to remember it by...since I didn't have time to play.Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I feel like I have been so busy, I never have time to do anything I want!I have really enjoyed making the floss and have received such compliments about it. Everyone seems...

Floss comes to cymberrain land

Announcing the wonderful new addition to my Etsy shop, scrumptious embroidery floss goodness! Feel free to stop by and indulge if the whim hits you!I will be adding more pieces as I photograph them...which unfortunately takes time and the right weather conditions!Hope you are all having a wonderful weeke...

A Fantastical View

I am off for the weekend to the country to visit family and relax. So while I am gone I leave you this: A view into Martina Ströbel's worldHope you enjoy her work, I will be back soon.Have a wonderful weeke...

Photo fun

Today I have been busy, busy, BUSY! I got up this mornign and decided that NO, I no longer like the way the livingroom is, so I completely rearranged it. Much happier now btw. After the dust settled I started taking pics of floss so I could post them on the shop. I forgot how long, drawnout and draining trying to get a good photo can be! I now believe that all good photographers really do EARN their...

We have a winner!

We have a winner. Using a random number generator I was given the number 3. Number 3 being Charis Sharpe...better know as Being Beatrice! Congratulations!! Now for the big surprise...not only will you be receiving your choice of Fuchsia Sun but also your suggestion for a color combination Sahara! Please contact me soon with your address :)I spent the last week making every color combo that you all...

Etsy Treasury

Today I was included in Enchanted Quills wonderful Etsy treasury! Isn't it pretty? She has wondrous taste...and I'm not saying that because she included me *grin* I have met several of the other artist on twitter and they are a great bunch of talented people. Please go check them out. Each of them has a unique talent. Be sure to check out EnchantedQuilling also. She has amazing skills!Today is the...

Sick Day

Hello Everyone. Hope this finds you all well! I'm afraid I have caught a touch of the flu and find myself moving slow. My poor DH has it too and it settled in his msucles and joints. He was such a sorry sight this morning hobbling off but he is tough and went to work anyway!So a few days back he raised a question and I have found myself returning to it again and again. He asked me why my blog was...

Rainy days

It's another rainy day but thats ok by me. It means I can snuggle down here in my corner and stitch away. I have been ignoring my stitching lately and I'm missing it. I have been having a blast with the dyeing and I absolutely LOVE it but my first love goes to my stitching. So today I stitch.Last night I did a little stitching too and got quite a bit done on this little brooch I am making. I am not...

New Dye batches!

First off, I want to thank each and every one of you who entered my contest! It's been so much fun reading your replies and you are all so creative with your color combos. I can't wait to try them out.For anyone who is just coming here, scroll on down to my last post and enter my contest for the floss giveaway. You know you wanna!Now I promised you all I would post pics of the latest dyes I've done...

Blog Giveaway!

I know I promised you the results of my dyeing today but instead I have something better! I sold my first item yesterday!!!!!I am so happy and excited that I have decided to have a blog give away in celebration. I am going to give away one of my new hand dyed floss skeins.Just click on the picture if you want a closer look!All you have to do is:1) Leave a comment stating which one is your favorite...
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We had yesterday off too so thats two long weekends in a row! Lately when D gets off work he is raring to go and doesn't want to stop till it's time to go back to work. This weekend he WORE ME OUT! The trip into Bordeaux Saturday was fun but by the end of the day my legs simply didn't want to work. We took it easy Sunday if you count cleaning the house, finishing...