Yesterday was my post-op check-up and since we were already halfway there we decided to go on into town and do some shopping. D needed some new pants for work...he starts tomorrow! I also wanted to check out a few shops I had looked up in the phonebook. I have had such a hard time finding supplies since I moved here and half the reason is because I havent explored enough I think.

It was a perfect sunny day, such a beautiful blue sky! Signs of spring are everywhere. I just had to stop and snap a few pics of these...

This gorgeous rosemary bush, this is as tall as me! In full bloom, so beautiful

Lilacs everywhere, I wanted to take some home with me. The perfume wafted down the sidewalk after us.

This wisteria is just getting ready to burst out in bloom. I will try to get back up there later this week and take a picture of it in all its glory. I remember last year it was just gorgeous!

We took a walk down Rue St. Catherine, the longest pedestrian street in Europe. This is a bustling area with many a pedestrian and shops lining it all the way down.
We visited 5 of the places on my list. One was gone and the lettering was already fading on the sign above the entrance, two were closed and a look in the windows showed they were not what I was looking for, but two were open and they were great! One was a yarn shop just chock full of fiber goodness. The lady there was very friendly, even showing me some examples of her CQ work and also giving me the web address and phone number of an American woman who owns a fiber shop not far out of town. She even had some wool rovings, silk ribbons and DMC's. I bought a nice ball of ribbon yarn that I liked the colors of and five little baby buttons...they were too cute to resist.
The second place was an art supply store and had oils, water colors and all kinds of fine art supplies, in the back was a huge room with various fancy papers. I spotted a few I wouldnt mind having. I have been wanting to make a tall lamp for the livingroom, one of those cylinder lamps made with special paper like that. Sometime...
Upstairs they had all kinds of craft supplies and I found a great treasure. White silk by the yard! Many kinds including velvet. The best part of all was it was reasoably priced and I bought a yard of the velvet for only 7 euros!

I am quite happy about finding these two shops. I plan to explore further into the city at some later date. I still have about 10 stores on my list to find ^_^

Late last night on another insomnia evening...I think I finally came up with the idea for my next piece. What do you think?
It was a perfect sunny day, such a beautiful blue sky! Signs of spring are everywhere. I just had to stop and snap a few pics of these...
This gorgeous rosemary bush, this is as tall as me! In full bloom, so beautiful
Lilacs everywhere, I wanted to take some home with me. The perfume wafted down the sidewalk after us.
This wisteria is just getting ready to burst out in bloom. I will try to get back up there later this week and take a picture of it in all its glory. I remember last year it was just gorgeous!
We took a walk down Rue St. Catherine, the longest pedestrian street in Europe. This is a bustling area with many a pedestrian and shops lining it all the way down.
We visited 5 of the places on my list. One was gone and the lettering was already fading on the sign above the entrance, two were closed and a look in the windows showed they were not what I was looking for, but two were open and they were great! One was a yarn shop just chock full of fiber goodness. The lady there was very friendly, even showing me some examples of her CQ work and also giving me the web address and phone number of an American woman who owns a fiber shop not far out of town. She even had some wool rovings, silk ribbons and DMC's. I bought a nice ball of ribbon yarn that I liked the colors of and five little baby buttons...they were too cute to resist.
The second place was an art supply store and had oils, water colors and all kinds of fine art supplies, in the back was a huge room with various fancy papers. I spotted a few I wouldnt mind having. I have been wanting to make a tall lamp for the livingroom, one of those cylinder lamps made with special paper like that. Sometime...
Upstairs they had all kinds of craft supplies and I found a great treasure. White silk by the yard! Many kinds including velvet. The best part of all was it was reasoably priced and I bought a yard of the velvet for only 7 euros!

I am quite happy about finding these two shops. I plan to explore further into the city at some later date. I still have about 10 stores on my list to find ^_^

Late last night on another insomnia evening...I think I finally came up with the idea for my next piece. What do you think?
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